What can you deduce from the salary scale?

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Each vacancy post by the government, posts a Salary Scale field.
19575x475 - 21950x625 - 23200x775 - 37125x1225 - 40800x1525 - 42325

What does the above actually mean? How can an employee deduce his salary from this? Are the increments yearly or monthly?

4 Replies

Bentesky Level 1

The increments are yearly.

From the above example the salary will be as follows:
Year 1 - 19575
Year 2 - 19575 + 475 = 20050
Year 3 - 20050 + 475 = 20525
Year 4 - 20525 + 475 = 21000
Year 5 - 21000 + 475 = 21475
Year 6 - 21475 + 475 = 21950

Then as from year 7, the yearly increment will be 625 added to the new basic of 21950, as shown above, until you reach the next scale.

gices Level 6

Thanks for the explanation :)

1 Reply
inneedofhelp Level 1

Hi Bentesky, This was really helpful. I'll be glad if you can answer another question of mine. I've applied for a government post with the above salary scale. My current salary is at 22,000. If I get selected in the government sector, how much do you think they will offer me? Do I start from the initial 19,575 or from year 6 with 21,950 or from year 7 with 22,575 or with the next closest salary in the scale, 23,200?

sarah_7 Level 2

wow i always thought it was professional experience in general

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