Looking for cheap canvas to buy?

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Hey guys, wanted to know where I can buy some cheap canvas, beside le cygne. Thanks

4 Replies

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Until now I bought all my canvas at Le Cygne itself. Price at other stationary shops can vary between Rs50 to Rs100 so it's not worth bargaining.

It's better to ask artist friends. There are many groups on Facebook for Mauritian artists. I'm sure they'll help you also.

I guess your area is Rose Hill so I can suggest Le Point at Beau Bassin. Last time I checked at Le Printemps I was disappointed by the quality of the canvas. Perhaps it's gotten better now.

The best way is to contact them before going. So you'll not lost money on transport. Here is the list and phone numbers.

Click here for the list

A last suggestion I have is Curepipe, Jan Palach. There's a specialised shop for artworks there on the ground floor itself next to the tabagie which sells roti (awful roti though lol).

By the way, is it for school or personal?

LilOkie Level 1

Thanks, yesterday ive checked some of there canvas, Im not really willing to pay 800 for an a2 canvas, and unfortunately they didnt have any a4 canvas. Thanks for your answer. And its for personal use, home decoration.

gices Level 6

It would be helpful to know which size you're looking for and how much you're currently paying to give us a benchmark to use for suggesting any other place which is selling it for less.

LilOkie Level 1

Sorry my bad, well the size would vary from a4 to a2 size, and im willing to pay rs100 to rs200 for an a4 one. Right now im paying rs800 for an a2.

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