Anyone been to Salon de la Communication at Swami Vivekananda?

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Salon de la Com has been organised by Odysseus and is being held at the Swami Vivekananda International Convention Centre in Pailles on the 26 and 27 July 2012 between 10am and 7pm.

You'll get the chance to know about companies offering services in public relations, web & graphic design, printing, media and there will be some entertainment as well.

Entrance is free btw, so if you're going there or have already been, let us know what you think about it.

3 Replies

Peaches Level 3

Yeah I went, I was looking for some information to help promote my business, I was disappointed to be honest, the only good thing is that entrance was free. Some of the people in certain fields had no clue what they were talking about and others that paid young women to flaunt themselves were just as bad. There were many 'models' that just paraded around but no-one was quite sure what company they were with and what they were meant to be doing.

Some people paid a lot for their stalls but they failed to even interact with potential clients, some didn't even have a website and some had free ones not professional custom made websites. I was under the impression that many people were there for the 'free stuff' such as pens, bags and other merchandise it was very unprofessional.

Companies that had nice stalls didn't really know how to display what field they were actually in, it was a little confusing. Some companies had sofa's and just sat there like lumps lol.

Anyway I went for my business like I said but didn't find it helpful at all, if anything it was a waste of time, I could look them all up over the internet.

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

:0 how sad.
By the way what business are you into? =D =D

Peaches Level 3

I have a website on a skin treatment :) need to start advertising it soon, I thought Salon de la com would be helpful, unfortunately it wasn't.

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