Can I retake CPE exams?

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Well back in the 1999 I had got only 4 A. Just to see if I can have 5 A or distinction in every subject.

2 Replies

gices Level 6

It seems that if you're in primary or secondary school, then you shouldn't have reached 13 years of age on 1st January of the year you wish to be enrolled for the CPE exam. I know many pupils try to give it another go when they are in Form 1 in an attempt to enhance their marks and get better results.

However, you can bypass the age restriction by entering yourself as a private candidate. So if that means a lot to you, then you can go down this route.

These subjects are compulsory :

  1. English
  2. Mathematics
  3. French
  4. Science
  5. History & Geography

But you can also choose a 6th one from the following :

  • Hindi
  • Urdu
  • Tamil
  • Telugu
  • Marathi
  • Modern Chinese
  • Arabic

It's been 13 years since you took that exam, so good luck if you're planning to do it again :)

Source : (it's a word document which doesn't seem to be linkable)

sphinx Level 2

Getting 5As in CPE will not help you in your career at this stage so I suppose it's just for personal satisfaction, right? They must surely have an age limit for who can take these exams.

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