Maitreya followers anyone?

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I would like to know if there are any believers or followers of Maitreya here? He is also known as the World Teacher.

9 Replies

Noor_Emmanuel Level 1

There are many who claim to be Maitreya - sounds like you might be referring to the one proclaimed by Benjamin Creme and Share International. He has proclaimed the coming of Maitreya many times, first in 1982, and none of his predictions seem to have come true. Indeed we doubt whether the Maitreya Mr. Creme seems to be waiting for exists at all, and will ever manifest.

However, when Mr. Creme made his first prediction of Maitreya's appearance in spring of 1982, there WAS a Maitreya who declared himself in the same month actually (April of 1982) with no previous knowledge of Mr. Creme's prediction! More info:

So our belief is that as John the Baptist correctly predicted the coming of Christ, but then did not recognize and follow Him when He came, so has Mr. Creme done with Maitreya.

Indeed, I submit to you that Maitreya is already here, and has been calling humanity to join Him for over 30 years. He has fulfilled Prophecies from all world religions and cultures, and brought a teaching that unifies all the religions of the world and for the first time shows clearly how all are from the same, One God, each sent as part of an overall Plan which is now coming to fruition. Maitreya's teaching also unifies the West and the East, science and spirit, and shows how the two are not contradictory but complementary.

Do not take my word for it - I challenge you to study Maitreya's literature, prophecies fulfilled, etc. and prove it to yourself that he is indeed the True Maitreya, the Prophet of God:

1 Reply
gices Level 6

Are you a maitreya follower then?

Noor_Emmanuel Level 1

Yes - however, that statement needs to be clarified, as there are may who now claim the name Maitreya (may shall come in my name and shall deceive many...). I am a follower of Maitreya of the Mission of Maitreya, represented by the website . However I am not a follower of Mr. Creme or Share International - although Mr. Creme correctly predicted the coming of Maitreya in 1982, he teaches many unscriptural/binding doctrines about overshadowing, channeling, ascended masters, putting barriers or separations between you and God (have to go through the masters, etc. to get to God, instead of going to Him directly).

The Maitreya I follow bases His teachings entirely on Scripture, and teaches to go to God directly - He is only sent to show you the way (a part of which was Revealed by each religion sent to earth). Any teacher or teaching that connects you to themselves, or to anything but God, is a false teaching!

gices Level 6

I see. Thanks for the thorough explanation.

Btw welcome to Clever Dodo. Hope to see you more often here :)

Noor_Emmanuel Level 1

Thanks! I have a Google Alerts set up to give me new mentions of "Maitreya" so I can submit the teachings of for others to study, as I believe them to be absolutely amazing and of utmost importance for all to at least hear once and consider. It leads me to popping up with new accounts all over the web :). Hope to see more questions related to the end times, Maitreya (or the prophet/messenger/teacher expected by all religions and many cultures), unification of all religions, etc. - then you will see me a lot!

First time I'm hearing about this. So that's something closely related to buddhism right?
moricien Level 2
Yup! there are different names given to him in different religions.. Buddhism call it by the name of Maitreya..
gices Level 6
Not that I know of. Most people tend to be buddhist because it's more widespread.
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
I was trying to be one when there was the exposition of relics at Ebene the last time. But couldn't find anything more about the project so I continued to stick to pure Buddhism.

Do you know where there are teachers here?
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