Android apps for Mauritius

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I'm looking for android apps specifically designed for Mauritians, does anyone know any?

16 Replies

moricien Level 2
By Mauritian what do you mean?? An example?

I know MauriSystem design both tailor-made application and custom made app. You can have a look there.

It is the Sole Distributor of Android phone in the Indian Ocean.
1 Reply
sphinx Level 2
@moricien : I meant apps that have been designed for the people of Mauritius. For example, an app that would let you see the weather forecast in Mauritius, or the hot news here.
JeromeTo Level 1


yes there are some apps specially designed for the mauritians.

most of them are from Mobi Move Ltd.

You can contact me if you need more information.


raj_deenoo Level 1

there is also a app for mauritius cinéma showtime

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Nice. I enjoyed the Constitution App.

sk29 Level 1
There exists no good app by Mauritian for Mauritian yet. If you want to pay someone to create an app, then any Java developer can make that happen. Knowledge seven is one such company.
gices Level 6
You can also create android apps using C#/ with MonoDroid. But yeah, no real apps for the Mauritian people yet.
moricien Level 2
Wow that's cool then!! I thought android could only be developed by Java.
sk29 Level 1
Java is more popular among android developers though. Many tutorials are available on-line in Java which teach you the basics to code an app.
Such a website is: h t t p ://w w w.codingforandroid.c o m /
ps: Remove the spaces to visit the link.
gices Level 6
@sk29 : yep, java is the preferred language for developing android apps but luckily for us .net programmers, there are things like monodroid which allows us to use Visual Studio as our IDE and code in C#, thus not having to learn a new language :D
sphinx Level 2
@sk29 : okay there's no good apps, but what are the ones that we have created by mauritians for mauritians?
sk29 Level 1
There is also one app by Orange Mauritius about its Live Tv services.
gices Level 6
There are currently 12 android apps for Mauritius but not necessarily for Mauritians. Here they are:

Mauritius Travel Guide
This guide lets you see views, photos and maps of interesting sites in Mauritius

Discover Mauritius
The beautiful country of Mauritius ! Have you ever wanted to go there or are planning your trip right now ? Get motivated and find ideas.

Mauritius Newspaper
Mauritius Newspaper brings you front page of the following newspapers: The Independent Daily and Le Matinal.

Mauritius Beach And Coral Reef
All our Live Wallpaper are free! Download it without buy! After you have downloaded and installed it, you set up as a Live Wallpaper.

Mauritius Guide
This app seems to be in German.

Mauritius Street Map
Do you feel online Google Maps is too slow showing you the map? Do you want an easy way to mark and remember where you are? Do you need a list of streets where you are? You don’t want to carry around a big unwieldy paper map? Tired of having the paper map blown to pieces by the wind every time you try to figure out where you are and where you need to go?
The mobile streetmaps are for you! All the map data is loaded on your phone before you leave your home, so can you be on the streets, offline, and still know everything about the area you are in, and locate yourself or any street in the city. You don’t need any network connection at all once the application is installed on your phone – no WiFi, no 3G, no GPRS!

Mauritius Constitution
Constitution of Republic of Maurititus.

Mauritius Quick Facts
Mauritius Quick Facts is a high quality, easy to use application featuring nearly 150 facts about its people, geography, government, weather, economy, politics, exports, communications, transportation and military. Don't miss out on this amazing information-driven quick fact application.

This is a 44 photo book of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean off of East Africa, east of Madagascar. 'Lady of Indian Ocean' is an island with a sophisticated and graceful atmosphere. Enjoy the views of beautiful emerald ocean and elegant city in the high class beach resort.

Wallpaper Mauritius
Search Mauritius , Set as wallpaper (Japanese)

Mauritius flag clocks
Our goal is that everyone in the world have their favorite country always on his mobile phone as they have in their hearts. In our clock widget is set the flag of Mauritius in a gold clock in two sizes with wallpaper.

There 2 coral reefs apps, so there's only 11 apps really. Some the android apps are free while some are paid and start around $0.99. Most of the apps are aimed at tourists visiting our island so not really helpful for us Mauritians. You can download the apps by searching for their name at
sphinx Level 2
@gices : that's a very good list, thanks
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
I would advise you to go to UTM and look for the lecturer Mr.Sodul if you want decent apps. He makes these things. He currently works at Orange.
sphinx Level 2
@Khush_Mendossa : I'm not looking to develop android apps but wanted to know if there are already some apps for the mauritian market.
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