When Google Earth/NASA takes a picture of your house, isn't it unlawful?

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No one ever gave their permission so far. But perhaps the government has?

7 Replies

They can take pictures of your house from the outside and that's perfectly legal.
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
Where did you find this info please?
gices Level 6
Google Earth takes pictures of public places and there's no law which prevents you from doing that. It can only take a photo of your house which is publicly viewable from the streets. There are some cases however that photos of someone's private backyard have been taken (no idea how though) but you are allowed to request to Google to get the picture removed if there's any privacy infringement or any other valid reason.
moricien Level 2
As far as i know, it is legal, and it is the government that give this permission..
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
Where did you find this?
cruzer Level 1
I don't think that there is any law for that, else they would not have done it.
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
But isn't it equal to spying? Recently there had been a case of a man peeing in his yard and this picture was on Google street view. The man sued Google for this but I didn't read further.

If something is not in the statute does it mean that it is legal?
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