Flic en Flac Mauritius

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Located on the western coast of the island in the district of Black River, Flic en Flac is a beautiful village well known for its beach. The relatively dry climate and constant sunshine calls for lazy sunbathing on the white sands. The area has however undergone major coastal development over the past 20 years in the name of tourism which has had many negative repercussions on the nearby ecosystems such as the filling up of wetlands, levelling off of sand dunes and planting of casuarinas right to the water’s edge. Being on the west coast, the place is sheltered from the south east trade winds as well as the southerly swell waves. Fringing reef located some 400m offshore protects the lagoon from waves thus providing good conditions for swimming. Coral species found in the lagoon is mainly the branching Acropora Sp.; others include Montipora tuberculosa, Pocillopora damicornis, Acropora austera, Millepora Sp. The flora of the area consists of the sea grasses Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule uninervis, Halophila Sp., Caulerpa Sp., Spongocladia Sp., Cystoseira Sp. Near the back reef, algal species grow amongst which are the Sargassum Sp., Turbinaria ornata and Padina. Few fish species exist in the lagoons mostly members from the families Mullidae (goatfish), Scaridae (parrotfish), Pomacentridae (damselfish). Some nice hotels are found in the region namely the Hilton Resort and Spa, Pearle Beach Hotel, Sofitel Imperial Resort and La Pirogue to name a few. Many bungalows are also available for rent with great views on the beach at relatively good prices. A vast part of the waters though has been noted to have badly degraded corals; these have been associated with navigation at low tides, shoaling effect, fossicking and the lagoon itself being quite shallow. Flic en Flac is a very nice and quiet village where everything is available. The roads are good and the bus stop is found near the beach itself for those who want to go there by bus. All kinds of food (Chinese, Creole, roasted chicken etc) are available plentifully from the roadsides, small restaurants in the area and stalls on the beaches. Horse riding can also be done cheaply (£2/person!) along the beach for about 30 minutes. Interestingly, a once well known cemetery can still be seen just in front of the beach; shops, pharmacies and banks are found in the surroundings. If you’re into picturesque settings, do not forget your camera to capture a wonderful sunset on the waters!
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