Where are safety boats sold in Mauritius?

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And possibly with a motor?

3 Replies

gices Level 6

There you go : **Espace marin ** (Tel : 286 0001/11/15)

They have 2 shops, one in Grand Bay and another one in Pailles. You can have a look at their website here.

The motor is quite heavy and needs to be attached to the back of the boat, so I'm not sure whether that's possible because it might cause unbalance weight. You can call them to find out though.

Btw, looks like you're preparing for the tsunami or end of the world here (from previous questions you've asked). What's the deal? :P

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

That's a great website thanks! Yes indeed... I am being cautious. Perhaps in some centuries people will refer to my safety boat as 'Khush's Ark' lol joking!

sphinx Level 2

If the world comes to an end, the population will be wiped off and nobody will know you ever existed, lol

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