La Friandise Birthday Kids Cake

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A few months ago I started organising my two year olds birthday party; of course the cake was at the top of my list. When she turned one we had a cake made by La Friandise in Port Louis. It was a standard rectangle cake with her name on it., it was really nice and tasty so yummy. This year however I wanted an animal cake as my daughter really loves her animals. Some private bakers are asking way too much so after asking around my cousin told me that La Friandise also do non-standard cakes, all you have to do is ask them.

So off I went to visit the one in Port Louis. They said they only do a Minnie Mouse cake and that’s it for girls whereas boys have a few other choices. When I called up to order my cake they told me that I could also get a Winnie the Pooh cake or a Guitar cake, I decided to go for Winnie the Pooh, he’s a cute bear right?

friandise birthday cake

When my husband brought the cake home I was horrified! The cake looked like it had been in a car crash! It was so badly done that I was so upset, I said to my husband that he should have refused that one and bought a regular one instead. Anyway luckily my daughter won’t remember this hideous cake but I always will. When it came to eating it I was even more appalled, it tasted really stale and a little hard, not as moist and soft as cakes are meant to be.

I am a little put off with their cakes now and won’t be buying from them in the near future. Hopefully next year my little one will leave me alone in the kitchen long enough for me to make her a fantastic cake.

Peaches Level 3
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