Protein shakes & mass gainer for skinny guy

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I want to gain some weight and muscle because im too skinny! Im 5'7ft and 60kg but like exercising lifting weights but still no gain is there any cheap but good muscle and mass gainer on the market in mauritius like around 500-1200rs?

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gices Level 6

There are two main things to building muscles : training hard and proper nutrition.

If you're not seeing any improvement, then you need to look at one or both of the two factors which you may not be doing right.

Training hard is really important because the only way to build muscle is by tearing the muscle tissue to promote growth. So you need to be lifting weights which are a little heavier than you're comfortable with. I'd do less repetition (5-6 reps) with bigger weights if I was you. Next is to do only compound exercises, forget about isolation exercises completely (eg bicep curl). Compound exercises work most of the muscles in your body and will help you get a stronger body frame which is what you need before hitting those isolation ones.

Next up is nutrition - to be honest you don't really need any protein shakes or mass gainer if you eat properly. Start by writing down what you eat throughout the day. Then calculate the calories in each meal and find out the total number of calories you're feeding your body in a day. If you eat 500 more calories than you currently consume in a day, you will gain 0.5kg after 1 week. Now the challenge is to have a clean diet because there are good and bad carbohydrates.

I've only ever used Optimum Nutrition products which I think is Rs2000-2500 in Mauritius. I'm not sure though because I live in London. However milk is a great source of protein and so are chicken breasts, tuna, lentils to name a few.

I'm in the process of compiling videos for my new YouTube account regarding exercise and nutrition (and some other cool stuff :P), I'll update this post with a link once it's ready.


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